A few lenders tend to require you to fax over documents to be approved of a payday loan. This process is time consuming and can be extremely bothersome especially if you have no fax machine. To be saved of the nuisance of faxing over documents, you can apply to various lenders who are willing to give no fax payday loans.

Faxing over documents is not a requirement anymore for most lenders. What lending companies usually do is ask you to fill up an online form honestly and accurately. They would just need to verify this information online and in a couple of hours, you can then be approved or disapproved of the loan depending on whether you met the requirements or not. Before applying for a loan, ask the lender if he would require you to fax over documents. If he does, you can always apply somewhere else as there is an unlimited amount of eager lenders willing to provide no fax loans. visit this website