When in need of quick cash and your payday is still many days away, finding the right solution to obtain quick cash is difficult. During such a time, a cheap payday loan can help you out of a financial struggle. This type of loan can be obtained online quickly and conveniently from the privacy of your home or office. Qualifying for a cheap payday loan is simple. All that is needed is a steady job, over 18 years in age, and an active bank account. When applying online you can get the money on the same day the application is made or the next working day. The loan repayment will be automatically taken out of the bank account on the date it is due. This takes care of late fee charges. In case there is a problem in repaying the loan on the designated date, one can request for an extension on the repayment schedule. As in the case of most payday loan services, there are no hidden costs involved in cheap payday loans. original site