Same day payday loans are generally provided by direct lenders who are available in the brick and mortar stores as well as online. Both of these lenders will provide you the loan within few hours and you will be able to use the loan fund to meet any kind of instant payment required debts. However if you look closer, you will notice several differences in the way these lenders provide the loan service. If you are applying for same day loans from offline lenders, you will have to visit the lenders personally to request for the loan. You will have to provide paystubs or a postdated paycheck to secure the loan approval. You may face embarrassing moments as these lenders do not provide any privacy while carrying out the loan process. Online lenders, on the contrary, provide the loan without any paperwork and credit checks and the whole loan process is done online with full privacy. You can apply for this loan from the comfort of your own home. try this